A Specialist and Evidence-based Publisher in Oncology
Founded by Duncan Enright in 2013, we are proud to work with leading organisations: the Association of Cancer Physicians and the UK Oncology Nursing Society.
Titles from EBN Health include the multi-award winning series of Problem Solving in Oncology titles published in partnership with the Association of Cancer Physicians (ACP). Also new is Fundamentals of Cancer Care, a new textbook in partnership with UK Oncology Nursing Society. A highly illustrated title Lymphoid Malignancies is a handbook for oncologists and haematologists. Our collection of Single Best Answers for the Medical Oncology SCE is a proven and effective way to prepare for the exam.
For each title a prestigious team of editors bring together a diverse range of experts to explore an aspect of oncology in robust detail. The results are presented as a series of perspectives and case studies, offering clear pathways and problem solving solutions for clinicians. Books in the series have been praised for offering “a rich perspective into complicated treatment pathways” (British Geriatrics Society) and have received highly-regarded BMA book awards.
Oncologists, surgeons, general physicians and trainees along with oncology nurses, clinical scientists and healthcare administrators will find these clinical titles an important resource.

Working with cancer care specialists to create the best resources

UK Oncology Nursing Society
Promoting excellence in the nursing management and care of all those directly and indirectly affected by cancer in all four countries of the UK.

Association of Cancer Physicians
Representing and supporting medical oncologists in the UK

Our Global Team
Doctors, nurses and pharmacists around the world
EBN Health - evidence-based resources for oncology professionals
EBN Health is proud to have a team of experts from around the world to make sure our books and webinars are the best they can be, and provide a link from evidence into practice for cancer care professionals.